A recent conversation has been stuck in my head and has made me evaluate some things. A woman was saying positive things about another person to me but she said something sandwiched in between and in passing that struck me. She said, “I’m so impressed with this, that and the other…..but she doesn’t have time for a friend.” She didn’t mean it in a negative way. Just matter of fact.
I’ve been evaluating this statement and wondering if I fall into that category. I can see how easily the “friendship” action plan gets pushed way to the bottom when you add family, work, game schedules, spiritual growth, etc to the mix. Who has time for scheduled coffee when you’re simply trying to do life. I get it!
I read a book this Spring with my very busy small group and it really opened my eyes to how important simple friendship is. The book is called Messy Beautiful Friendship.
And it brings us back to the age old question of why we’re here on this earth and it’s grow in Christ and to point others to him. We can’t do that if we’re too busy for friendship. Because often times it’s over those cups of coffee and ice tea that we let our guard down and talk about the grit and grind of doing life. It’s in those times we remind each other of the truth of Gods words. We come away realizing we’re not the only ones struggling like our enemy would like to make us think.
So these thoughts rumbling around in my head nudged me to ask a good friend if she wanted to meet for coffee last week. I didn’t have time. She didn’t have time. But we set aside our busy and said yes to friendship. We talked and laughed for one hour. That’s it. But we both came away refreshed by the spirit of friendship.
And that’s what friends are for. Let’s not be too busy for it.
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