At dinner this weekend Mitchell decided he would take it upon himself to bring Sophie’s state of complete depravity to light. Out of the blue the following conversation began over chicken and rice…..
Mitchell ( 9 yrs old) : Sophie, you need to become a Christian.
Sophie (3 yrs old) : stands up in her chair and says, “Look how big I am, Mitchell. I can’t be a Christian, I’m too little.”
Mitchell: Sophie, you need to become a Christian. You’re not too little. Okay, you repeat after me….. ( I have no clue where he got that from. He does hear the “repeat after me” at weddings during the vow part)
Sophie: Mitchelllllll!!!!! I’m not a Christian. What happens if I’m not a Christian?
Mitchell: You go to hell.
Sophie: Eeeewww, HELL. I don’t want to go to hell. But I’m still too little.
The whole time I was choking on my chicken and looking at Randy with bug eyes that were screaming “DO SOMETHING!!!!” He ended up talking to Mitchell and had a really good conversation. We realized there were some misunderstandings Mitchell had regarding Christianity and it provided a great chance to talk about these things. Randy ended their time by suggesting that he read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Not really. So that was our dinner drama of late.
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