The silence in this space has been unintentional yet unavoidable. Life happens. 2019 had us walking through some deep waters and calling out to God in specific ways we didn’t expect. But I am glad to say He remains Faithful as always. He has shown up right beside us in ways that are nothing but evidence of His walking with us and acting out. I mean that as good – in a showing off his glory kind of a way. Those things you can’t explain other than God reminding you that He is right there with you in the current situation you are walking through.
2019 went out and I was never so glad to see 2020. In February the Lord divinely opened up an opportunity for me to go back into social work through a position with HUD at our local Housing Authority. It was nothing but God that orchestrated this doing. The fact that I made it through the interview without being pushed out the door was quite amazing. I look back on it and wonder what in the world was I thinking or doing. I asked way to many questions and ended up interviewing the interviewer. I am the queen of questions and it has gotten me into more trouble. I wore jeans because in my mind I knew I wouldn’t get the job so I was going to stay in stay-at-home Mom mode and just be me. But it worked so I guess that ended up being okay. I also kept saying things like “Uhhh just so we’re clear, I’ve been an at-home Mom for 18 years. The work force will be a new thing for me.” I wasn’t trying to NOT get the job but just be honest. Looking back there are things that could have just been left unsaid. LOL!! My boss is amazing and often tells me to have more confidence in myself. He told me it wasn’t an issue that I was coming back into the work force after 18 years of being a full time at home Mom. I really appreciated that so much.
When Covid-19 hit our world our office worked remotely. I’m still working from home and some from the office. I love what I do – working with families and children to become life long learners and be healthy contributing citizens of our community. My hands have been tied in many ways but working my Plan B is a joy and I’m looking forward to reimplementing Plan A as soon as possible.
We’ve also been blessed that Randy can still work from home. One of the sweetest things he did for our church family was to deliver communion elements the week of Easter. Together we took Communion over facebook live. It was so strange but yet beautiful at the same time. Randy has done an amazing job preaching and teaching us through this unprecedented time. I’m proud that he’s my husband and pastor.
Mitch and Sophie will begin school soon at the school they’ve been attending since moving to NC 10 years ago. Mitch will graduate this year and Sophie will be in 8th grade. I don’t know how that even happened. Just yesterday Mitch was walking laps around the playground and Sophie was caught holding hands in the tunnel with Braden B. Now we’re at that stage where they go out after Youth Group with friends and Mitchell is driving both of them. Mitch has a job. Sophie doesn’t need me as much. Parenting teens is a new and wonderful stage of life. It has its challenges but overall it is really awesome. I know you think your kids are awesomest but really mine are. So that helps. HA! Ha! Just Kidding. We aren’t competing friends. We’re a Mom Squad, remember.
Well that’s a quick update but I hope to hit up the blog space more often these days.
Take care my friends and stay well!
Glad to hear what’s been up in your life! 🙂