5 Girls is a teen girl discipleship group I’m involved with. We meet every Thursday morning at 7am at a local coffee shop and talk life and God. It’s time of accountability and sharing and looking to scripture as our guide.
There is also a 5 Guys group which has been meeting longer than any of the groups. My husband leads a group and our youth pastor leads a group as well. About every 4-6 months the 5 Guys and 5 Girls come together to our house for “cheesy movie night” where we have a Taco bar and watch a cheesy movie. Think Napolean Dynamite, Nacho Libre, The Princess Bride, Monte Python, etc.
The 5 Guys meet at Bojangles and the 5 Girls meet at the coffee shop all on the same day and time. Two weeks ago the 5 Guys crashed the 5 Girls by showing up before we did and hid in a back corner of the coffee shop surprising us all when we got there. The girls loved it although they claim it’s what started the prank wars that we will probably be in for the rest of our lives. So far we’re at oreo’s all over the windshield of one guys car and over 1200 post-it-notes all over two of the girls’ cars. Lord help us all.
In 5 Girls we’ve talked about what wisdom is, dating, true friendship, beauty, being alien and much more. This past week was my favorite week of all. I secretly gathered pictures of each one of the girls from facebook and from parents that sent some in of them serving, sharing the Gospel in some capacity or growing their faith. Many were pictures of them serving on mission trips, local outreaches, at their church (not all attend our church), school, etc.
We opened our time by talking about beauty tips since homecoming and prom was coming up. What were some of their favorite beauty tips and do they ever get discouraged when looking through Pinterest and the Gram for ideas. Then I had them open their envelopes of pictures. They weren’t expecting these so they were surprised and spent a few seconds reliving some of their favorite memories. I had them choose one of their favorite pictures and share with the rest of us the context of that picture. And then I shared with them this verse: How beautiful the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 I told the girls they will be beautiful at HOCO and prom all dressed up but they will never be as beautiful as they are when sharing the Gospel and serving others with Jesus love.
Isn’t it true though – don’t you feel that feeling I can’t even describe when you are doing what you know you are called to do – serving those in the margins and proclaiming the Gospel both in action and words? Maybe we’re not thinking at that moment, “Oh I feel gorgeous right now serving this family with a head full of lice or washing these dirty feet” – but it’s a feeling of deep satisfaction in doing what Jesus would do. And I think that makes a person drop dead gorgeous. That’s the kind of beauty I’m after and it’s what I want these girls to know because the world is inundating them with a different message of what beauty is.
We have no curriculum. We have a small group of girls and a leader who loves Jesus and has walked longer in life than they have. That’s all it takes. You could do it too. Where would you start? Simple. Pray and ask God if this is something he wants you to do. Then pray about who – God will show you. Pray about a time and place – God will show you.
I don’t pick any of the girls up. They all get a ride or drive themselves. I do take a few of the non-drivers to school when we’re done. Commitment is important in this group. I had to encourage the girls and early on remind them they are part of a larger group than just themselves and to be late or regular no-showing is selfish. It’s a privilege to be in the group and if they aren’t committed then someone else can take their place. Not easy conversations but important nonetheless. Once the group gels (give it time – it doesn’t happen over night) you don’t have to have those conversations. They want to be there. They are experiencing life together with other believers and they realize just how much they need that community God designed us to have.
These girls have taught me and each other as much as I’ve taught them. And that’s what God wants to do in each of us – flesh out our faith together.
Go ahead and try it – I dare you to.
Pictures of the 5 girls being beautiful – hairnets and all.
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