I have only been called back once after a routine annual mammogram and it was a feeling I’ll never forget. The initial shock and thought that had never entered my mind until then suddenly put itself on repeat – what if it’s cancer.
According to God’s sovereign plan I have not had any more call backs and the one I did have turned out to be fine. I praise God for that.
But this week as my annual letter came in the mail stating everything appears to be clear my mind ran to all the other women whose letter would read differently. The women who received a call back or received the bright pink postcard requesting a return visit for more testing. I couldn’t stop thinking about the young woman I know right now who is fighting cancer and the older woman who was just diagnosed last week with breast cancer. My friends who are cancer survivors and then those who received their ultimate victory over cancer in heaven – my Grandmother being one of them.
So this prayer below is for each of YOU who are looking at a cancer diagnosis. This is a prayer I pray for myself should I ever face cancer in the future. It’s not a perfect prayer and it’s from one who doesn’t have a clue what walking through cancer is like but it’s from the heart of a girl who wants to pray for those who are in the middle of it right now.
May our God hear and answer our prayers.
Much love to each of you!
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