Jen Wilkin is an author I’ve heard of and seen in Lifeway. I recently listened to a podcast by her that I loved – reclaiming Sunday School on TGC podcast. This led me to further investigation of her materials and resources. This might sound weird as a women’s ministry leader but for quite a while now but I have really longed to study my Bible even more than I have been. And so when I saw Jen’s book Women of the Word – how to study the Bible with both our hearts and our minds I snatched it up and devoured it.
Jen makes a strong case for how we get things backwards in Bible study and she gives the most hilarious illustration but I won’t spoil it for you. It’s so awesome. Often we think the Bible is about us and for us when in actuality the Bible is all about God. And instead of a asking ourselves “what can I get out of this for me today” we should start by asking “what does this say about God?” Don’t worry she doesn’t throw application out the window at all. She strikes a beautiful balance of both knowledge of God for the purpose of loving God and looking for how that impacts our life. The order and emphasis is important.
Jen studies by 5 P’s:
Purpose, Perspective, Patience, Process and Prayer.
She develops each one and you’ll find it extremely helpful as you study the Bible for yourself.
You can find Women of the Word here, here or here. And no this isn’t an ad I just believe in this so much and my desire is to help equip women to know and love their God and this book helps us do just that.
Our Bible study ministry leadership team has all been given a copy of this book and we are meeting and praying about how to incorporate this type of study in our women’s group at church and the right timing.
I guess I should say that this book is not a Bible study itself. And it can get a bit technical but it’s worth the read. One of the first things I did after reading this book was to order one of Jen’s studies. I chose I Peter and I’m putting into practice the things I learned from WOTW. And I can’t tell you how much more I’m learning from this process. I do one week of homework and then rent the video or audio sessions online at Lifeway if I can’t find them anywhere online without paying.
I’ll update more as we talk as a leadership team and as we process where this type of study fits into our women’s ministry. It’s different than your Lysa TerKuerst, Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, Margaret Feinberg or Jennifer Rothschild studies. You will not hear me say anything negative about the teaching that is coming from any of those women because I have seen true growth in my own life and others from their style of teaching.
But Jen pushes us to go further in studying for ourselves. Pulling out of scripture and coming to conclusions after reading a bit further on our own. There aren’t as many funny and cute stories. The order of study is quite different. You will be pushing yourself more in her studies. I think this is so very good. There may be times you are tempted to say “this is too heady for me” but press on friends. The Bible is not too heady for any of us. I personally believe we have become lazy in our pursuit of the scriptures. We have stopped looking as if we’ve lost our diamond ring. Maybe we become desperate women in pursuit of God himself this coming year.
I’d like to help you move toward deeper learning of God in a tiny small way by giving Jen’s book to one person. I will give away more studies throughout the year. But today I want to give away Women of the Word. So leave a comment either on facebook or the blog and let us know what one of your favorite women’s Bible Study has been in the past and one thing you learned about God from that study. Commenters names will be thrown in a hat and drawn on Friday the 13th.
Redeemed by Angela Thomas Pharr by far is one of the best studies I’ve done. It breaks apart the lies we as Women have believed for too many years and gives an in depth dive into Scripture.
Carmen – I love Angela Thomas Pharr as well! She’s one of my most favorite speaker/teachers. When Wall Flowers Dance was one of my favorites!
When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas. This was the first study I had done and it was so impartial and perfect at that time.
Yes, yes – love Angela Thomas. She definitely spoke from an extremely vulnerable place. I love her unconditional love for all people and never makes you feel judged or looked down upon.
My first Jen Wilkins study was this fall at a local church and I LOVED her insight and knowledge, which encouraged me to look deeper. It was Genesis 12-50. They studied Genesis 1-11 in the spring and would have loved to do that one as well. There are so many things I learned in this study but the story of Joseph and his transformation from a position of favoritism to a realization of God’s favor is awesome and so full of truth in our lives. When we focus on God and not ourselves, what rich treasures to be unearthed!
You know I’ve never thought about it that way – Joseph’s potion of favoritism to a realization of God’s favor. So true and a great way of contrasting those truths. Thanks for sharing your experience!