There’s nothing sweeter than a group of huddled-up, imperfect Jesus followers praying on behalf of another. This group of teen girls prayed over their mentor, Sunday School teacher, cheerleading coach and friend on Sunday morning.
She taught them to pray. I’ll never forget three years ago when I was recovering from surgery this same group of girls (plus or minus a few) circled up in our front yard after midnight and prayed for me. Then they dropped off chocolate chip cookies on the front porch and sped away. I will always remember that sweet gift.
And now these same girls are circled around their mentor in prayer as she puts into practice what she’s been teaching them for years.
She taught them that following Jesus with all their heart is worth everything. And now God has called her husband into a full time pastoral position in another state. Insert lots of tears. Her husband’s ordination service was a really powerful service. To see deacons from our church and other churches lay hands on them and pray over them was really special. And then to have Adam lead our church in communion was really a beautiful thing as well.
Did you notice we’re getting ready for VBS? Yeah, we don’t normally paint the sky as a backdrop. Kind of looks like a mixture of VBS, communion, ordination and perhaps a funeral all going on at once.
Today I’m thinking about the power of a Christ-centered influence. An influencer doesn’t always know or see the marks they’ve left but no doubt they are there. I’m thankful for the marks this sweet couple and family have left on our family. And while we will miss them tremendously we are reminded that we are not hoarders of Christian leaders but equippers and senders of them.
In this day and age where the term ‘influencer’ is used to denote a person from social media usually
paid to sway followers to clothes, make-up, music, etc (i.e. basically anything someone will pay them to promote) I much prefer your use of the word Melody. I wish there were more of this type of Influencer in the
world and hope these girls lead the way as their wonderful mentor taught them to do.