I first discovered She Reads Truth through this particular study that our group really enjoyed. In fact, we wished for more video clips with Amanda and Rachel but that’s not what they’re about. Not that they would think that’s wrong or anything but if you read much of their purpose statement you’ll see quickly they want women in the word of God for themselves. They believe the Spirit of God will speak to us as women of God as we read his word. So they have compiled the most beautiful books filled with daily scripture readings. Most books will have just one or two simple questions at the end of the reading: What does this teach you about God? What did you learn about God? Something to that effect. There is plenty of room to write out notes which I love. Also, there are few resource pages to give you background information or an overview of the book you’re reading. Some books are theme based but many are actual books of the Bible. Some are compilations like Proverbs. It’s usually set up in 6 days of reading and a “grace day” which is more of a reflection type day. Most books are designed to be completed in 30 days or less.
So what’s the difference in this and just opening your Bible and reading?
Great question.
There are a few differences.
- With She Reads Truth you are given a reading plan so there’s no trying to figure out what you want to read from scripture. It’s mapped out for you. The scripture is printed out for you as well. This can actually be the difference in reading or not reading for many people. It also offers a variety of scripture in one day’s reading. Not too much and not too little. Just right.
- There are a community of women who are reading the same passages. You can download the app or go online and read the daily reading for free. You can download all their reading plans for just $1.99 a month. Each day is posted and current and there’s a place for comments so you can ask questions or comment about what you learned. You can also see what others are learning.
- You have room to write and pray and it’s all in one place. Maybe if you have a journaling Bible you can get this same feature as well. I love having an entirely blank page and wide margins to write and take notes.
In my opinion, having a real life in-person small group is the best case scenario to talk about what God is teaching us. But if you, for whatever reason, can’t have this right now I’d highly recommend the SRT app and community.
Advantages of an SRT study vs. a DVD study:
- The crutch is taken away of filling in blanks and being told what to look up and what questions to answer. It’s wide open for you to hear from the Spirit of God. At first, it might feel awkward and aimless. But it’s quite the opposite as we trust that the Holy Spirit will guide us to truth through the reading of his truths.
- When you gather together as a small group you have more time to discuss and share with each other. I found that we had more time to pray together. We had a better discussion. We had more questions which led to further study.
- Personally, I feel like I remember the truths I’ve read straight from scripture rather than being told what questions to answer and blanks to fill out. I think because I’m forced to rely completely on the Spirit of God to open my eyes to his word and I trust he will do this I come away with an authentic lesson from God.
I hope I’m not coming across as anti-traditional Bible Study because I’m not. I’ve learned from so many women of God teaching through DVD Bible Studies. Their guided homework has allowed me and others to grow in faith. I’m a big supporter of Bible Studies of this sort. But I also see the rich value in something like She Reads Truth.
The only downside to this reading plan (if using a hard copy) is the expense. It’s cheaper to do an auto-ship order of 3 or more months. But I love that you can also just go online and read or use the app for free. I am very much a hands-on, must have paper and pen, kind of a girl so I am going old school and getting the books.
So far I’ve done Open your Bible, Matthew, Proverbs and am currently doing the Names of God. Luke is the study that starts at the end of December. So it’s not too late if you want to jump on board. It’s never too late. If done with a small group get one person to order all of them and then have them pay you back – that helps bring the cost down per book. For those in your group who cannot afford to order a book point them to the app or the website where they can still do their daily reading for free or minimal cost. So there are three different methods of the exact same reading plan and you can come back to discuss weekly. Very cool. I like options.
Speaking of options. One I recently discovered is these scripture journals. It gives you a page opposite the scripture reading to record your thoughts and prayers. And they’re pretty cheap. I haven’t ordered one so I’m not sure I would like the smaller size.
I hate to say it but I am in love with the beautiful photography and artistic expression that She Reads Truth incorporates into their materials. The thickness of their pages and the entire layout. It is always such a gorgeous presentation. So for now I’m sticking with SRT for my personal study in the word.
Hope this helps! Would welcome your feedback on what’s working for you to help stay in the word on a daily basis.
I love She Reads Truth! I have been using their plans for about 4 years now and they have been so helpful. I’ve never used the study books because of the shipping costs (I’m in the UK) but I journal in a notebook and love the content on the website and the community discussions. Thanks for letting others know about this! Visiting from Holley Gerth’s.
Oh that’s so cool – see this is what I love about the SRT community! It’s so broad and you can connect from all over the world. I hate that S/H costs are so high but wonderful to have those other options and at the end of the day it’s all about staying in relationship with Him through his word and his Spirit.