Bible Journaling really does help me “linger longer” and Illustrated Faith has cool stuff.
These Bible Study Resources have proven to be really awesome the last few weeks at our church:
Brave Girl by Jen Hatmaker. A study for tween/teen girls.
Our teen girls and their Moms are doing this study in two different classes of course because how not cool to have Mom attend Sunday School with you. *eye roll*
And Living Life Together by Shuana Niequest has been a really neat study for one of our small groups.
We access all these studies through Right Now Media at our church – an incredible resource that saves us a lot of money and also provides great teaching. Hundreds of studies are offered by incredibly wise Christian authors, speakers and teachers.
Doodling makes my brain feel good. My church bulletin looks like graffiti at the end of the service but I can tell you all 100 points of the sermons. Just Kidding. That was a lame preacher wife low blow. Get it? Like he preaches so long that there’s 100 points and about 10 sermons packed in one. But that’s not really true. Not completely. And these colored pens are awesome.
The Spirit of God can put love in our hearts for strangers. And you just know it comes from Him. He did this through a girl name Emma who we feel so connected to because she’s been a part of our family and 3rd grade class prayers for the last six weeks. You can read about Emma below:
I learned that God is both powerfully majestic and nobody can contain Him and at the same time He is incredibly tender and works on behalf of his children because He loves us so much.
I learned that many people really do want to help others and they feel satisfied and happy when they are giving back. You can see it on there faces.
I learned that I am prone to wander and go back to old ways and old habits because it feels safe there and yet it’s what hinders me and breaks me down. Thankful for what I know to be true of my powerful and tender God in these moments of realization.
So when you look back at the month of March – what did you learn? I had to reference my notes – yes, I do keep a lil’ notebook and scratch down things (complete with doodling to make my brain feel good) during throughout the month. I usually only write down 3 things and then I scramble to try and remember the other 29 days of the month. Ha! Hey, at least I’m trying this new discipline of looking back.
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