Today’s story of what “Love is” comes from a dear woman of faith. Joy’s story will bless your soul and make you want to whip out your needle and thread even if you did fail your sewing class as a Home Economics minor (was really close to being true for me).
Love through a pillowcase! In December 2006, my 23 year old son had brain surgery and was diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer-a disease called glioblastoma. He was a year out of college, working with a promising career ahead of him, single, and given the typical 15 months to live. However the Lord saw differently. His dad and I came alongside him as caregivers. John was treated at the Brain Tumor Center at Duke University. He was on continuous chemotherapy for 5 years- and suffered many horrible side effects as a result. We knew the Lord was in control so He knew the plans, but that did not make it easy to watch. We went to every chemo, MRI, dr visit, and trip to Duke and Atlanta with him. John lived much longer than the 15 months. In fact he lived 5 years and 3 months, going to his heavenly home on March 29, 2012.
When John had his surgery there were so many people who came alongside us to hold us up and pray for us. As we watched John go through radiation, various clinical trials, MRI’s, side effects, and the ups and downs of chemo, I felt the Lord showing me that you need to do something to give back to others that may not have had the support you are getting.
It is not easy to lose a child, and still almost 4 years later, I can find myself in a pile of tears just thinking about what might have been. Isaiah 55:8 reads… “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares The Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Wow that is a fantastic verse but can we rely on it when it’s your son with cancer that can’t be cured and he’s only 23? We each have to purposefully trust. There are always things in our lives that don’t go like we think they should go.
I had to make myself put forth the effort to reach out. Would the church really support it? Would people think a little pillowcase was stupid? Through much prayer and talking with lots of encourages, I put my big girl panties on and Sweet Sleep Ministry was born at our church.
Pillowcases signed by prayer warriors and given to the recipient symbolize the prayers that are lifted up on behalf of the individual going through a difficult time. Prayer warriors are given a prayer card to remind them who they are praying for and why. The pillowcase is a visible reminder that someone cares and is lifting them up to the Father. We make pillowcases out of beautiful cotton fabrics for men, women, and children, and sign the solid borders with our names. We have done almost 1,500 of these since 2008. Going to people who are in need of prayer and need a special touch of encouragement. Our desire is that the recipient would feel the prayers of those that have signed the pillowcase as they put their head on the pillow, and that their sleep would be “sweet.” We demonstrate the Father’s love as each pillowcase is sewn and then given to the recipient. What an honor to take the ashes of a heartbreak, and turn it into something beautiful that the Lord can use.
Each time a pillowcase goes out, love goes with it. The recipient has people praying for them that they don’t even know! What a comfort! Sweet Sleep Ministry began in John’s honor and it continues in his memory!
Our verse is Proverbs 3:24…”When you lie down,you will not be afraid; when you lie down your sleep will be sweet.” Sweet Sleep Ministry is love in action!
Joy has blessed me with one of these pillow cases as I recovered from a broken leg last year. It was such a gift to see names of people I didn’t know but knew they prayed for me by name. Powerful. And the verse was so appropriate for me as I was struggling with anxiety at night. She’s also gifted me with pillowcases for friends of mine who have been hospitalized. I’m struck by how God put on her heart something incredible during such a heartbreaking time for her. She had support from others but she realized not everyone has that. The Holy Spirit birthed in her a ministry while she was being ministered to by others. Beautiful. This is what Love is.
Have a story of what love is? Please share – in the comments here or on Facebook under this link or through email and I’ll post for you as a featured blog post. We need to hear each other’s stories.
Wow~ Sometimes it’s not the big things or the fancy words that bring the greatest healing, it’s a simple act of kindness and thoughtfulness ~ How lovely ~ Thank you for sharing! (Your blog is so pretty!) Happy Easter 🙂
Awww thanks and thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great Easter also!
What a beautiful ministry of hope. I love that this is so simple and so meaningful. Hope your leg has healed/is healing well! So lovely to here from you! I discovered we have a mutual good friend in Cynthia Thomas!
Ginger! I’m doing great – so good to hear from you as well. Let’s do that Summer series we keep talking about!!!! Candid Camera in the church? I really want to do that so bad – church bloopers.
My pillow case is with me every Night! Love you Joy