If we have a relationship with Jesus then we are called to make disciples of Jesus – that means we get to bring others along with us in our walk of faith. Individuals walking out our own personal faith and bringing others alongside…..that’s ministry. As Christ followers we’re all in it. Granted some are called to a more official role of ministry than others but we are all in ministry.
So as we walk our faith and bring others along let’s be learning and growing constantly.
I’m sharing two resources today that will help us relate to others around us as we walk our faith out.
Randy bought this book for all the staff: Center Church by Tim Keller
My head sort of exploded after reading the first chapter and I haven’t picked it back up yet but this week my goal is to get back in it. It’s good stuff as anything by Tim Keller is. Just be prepared to read slowly, underline and re-read. I will say this book is probably most helpful for those in pastoral or leadership roles within the church.
Then I found these really cool Connect Cards that I’m dying to purchase soon. It can be awkward to engage in spiritual conversation sometimes. How do you go from “how’s the weather” to “what do you think about God?” with unbelievers. And even in small groups of Christ followers getting the conversation from surface to transparent is not always easy. I still believe modeling transparency is the most important practice in helping others learn to be transparent but these cards are a great additional tool to help get conversations started. I will be purchasing them soon.
What are you learning in ministry right now? Please share – we’re all in this together.
I keep seeing these Connect Cards, and reading about how great they are. They’re on my list for sure! Thanks for the heads up about Keller’s book.
Sure thing! Hope you enjoy both should you get the chance to order them.
I’m actually on a sabbatical from ministry, except for l leading our prophetic arts team, who paints during services. After being laid off from my job at church, where I worked for 10+ years, I’ve had to step back and allow God to do lots of healing.
Barbie…I am praying for you. I’ve had to take steps back from “official” ministry at times as well. What I find fascinating though is how God uses the “stepping back” or “laid off” seasons to still work in us and allow others to be encouraged and inspired. I see that in you through your vulnerable writing on your blog. We hear the wounding and the struggle yet we still see Jesus in you and know He is working something out. It will come in due time. The beautiful thing that’s in process.