It happens every year – homecoming court. I love it and I hate it. I hate that young girls especially tend to place so much value on a like, a share, a comment or in the case of homecoming – a vote. Each girl secretly hopes to be chosen as class representative even if she is too scared to walk the court or doesn’t want to be in the spot light. She still wants to be the one picked. To dress up in a beautiful dress and be escorted by a boy also chosen by classmates. It might be awkward and nerve-wracking but still it’s a desire by many girls. Not all but many.
I’m not one of these parents who thinks every girl and boy should be on the homecoming court or there should be no homecoming court at all. No, that’s just weird. I don’t think all kids need a ribbon for participating. As long as we live on this earth, have jobs and live in community we will experience competition and levels of achievement. We should always strive to do our best with what God has given us and rest in the contentment that comes in pointing it all back to Him.
But lets be honest and say it’s not always easy to do that. To desire something – an accomplishment or position – and not get it. We can be quick to internalize false judgements about ourselves as we equate votes (or lack of votes) with value.
So as you approach Homecoming season (or Basketball, Football, etc) with your girl or boy – whether he/she desires to be on the Homecoming Court or not consider talking about these things with them beforehand.
You are already CHOSEN by God – I Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
You are already ACCEPTED by God – Romans 15:7 – Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
You are GIFTED by God – Romans 12:6 – We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
You are QUALIFIED by God – Colossians 1:12 – Giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light.
It might also do us well to remember these identifying truths of our own standing in Christ. As believers in Jesus Christ we already have every.thing we need. Our relationship with Jesus provides an inheritance far greater than the most beautifulestest homecoming dress, most prestigious badge of honor, the most points in a game, or the largest instagram following. When we understand our true identity we are quick to forego the craving for positions and titles and are more quick to serve and come alongside others for a greater purpose.
These are not spiritual props to be viewed as “ribbons for everyone” but this is a believers core identity. It’s who we are through and through whether we know it or not. And these are just a few of a long list of inheritance factors. Want to know more of who you are in Christ? Then check out theseA -Z cards from my friend Cindy Bultema. I use these cards a lot as a reminder to both me and my kids of who God says we are.
So today, let’s celebrate that we’ve already been voted on and chosen by the King of Kings.
It simply can’t get any better than that!
Such important conversations to have with our kids! My boys’ have tryouts for their teams tonight and tomorrow – this line of talking is important during this time, too! Thanks so much!
Yep I agree that boys need this reminder as much as our girls do. Hope tryouts went well for your boys.
And what a “HOMECOMING” God has in store for us! I love this imagery, Melody, and don’t think I’ve discovered your blog before!
Happy Saturday!
Well welcome Michele – so glad you stopped by. Yes the Homecoming God has in store for us will pale in significance to any other achievement or honor on this earth. What a great day that will be!
I love that we are chosen, we are His! I still get giddy hearing those words!
I love your thoughts on this Lisa. I’ve had these discussions with my kids and I believe they do understand their true identity of sons and daughters of the King of Kings. Thanks for sharing here at Weekend Whispers.