Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:5-6
Three things come to mind when I see this verse:
Be alert to your responses. In line at Sam’s when the lady in front of you takes 25 minutes to check out her three items because her card has expired and she insists on renewing it right there instead of at Customer Service (yes, today) be alert and wise how you respond to her. Resist the urge to eye-roll, sigh loudly or give the deadpan face because all your 264 items are placed on the conveyer line and you can’t go anywhere.
Speak kindly and in such a way that you add flavor. Since I couldn’t think of kind or flavorful words – colorful maybe – but not words seasoned with grace I decided not to use any words today in the Sam’s line towards said lady. I’m a work in progress and I have never claimed in this 31 days of outreach series to have this stuff figured out. I simply don’t. I was alert to the fact that if not careful I could really show my displeasure with the situation at that moment. I wanted to add my .02 worth but I didn’t. What I wish I could’ve done was offered a simple smile and a, “I know it’s frustrating when you don’t realize your card has expired but it probably has happened to all of us at some point.” A little sympathy would’ve gone a long way. That would’ve been a conversation filled with grace and seasoned with salt. But I didn’t have it in me. I was just hoping the blood wasn’t running down the sides of my mouth from biting my tongue so hard. Next time I hope I’m able to put more into practice from this verse. To go beyond holding back to offering some words seasoned with salt and grace. I love what Matthew Henry says about this verse – “Grace is the salt which seasons our discourse, and keeps it from corrupting. It is not enough to answer what is asked, unless we answer aright also.”
Ready to give an answer. I love what Matthew Henry says about this verse – “Grace is the salt which seasons our discourse, and keeps it from corrupting. It is not enough to answer what is asked, unless we answer aright also.” In other words – don’t be a Christian jerk. Like we can say stuff that is right but how we say it changes everything. Some Christians have a chip on their shoulder and they love picking fights over theology and such. Pah-lease spare us all for heaven’s sake. So yeah, I can talk trash like this but look at who had to bite her tongue in the Sam’s line today. Yep, I know. I’m writing to the choir. Actually I’m not in the choir. Anyways…..
So let’s take Paul’s words to heart and not waste time. Be alert, speak kindly and be ready to give an answer to everyone we come in contact with. That’s a daily outreach we have before us.
Hey – come back tomorrow for another free book giveaway that you will love as much as, “How To Love Your Neighbor.”
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