Randy has been talking about the “one another’s” in scripture lately and how as followers of Christ we are to love another, bear one another’s burdens and serve one another. So much scripture in the Bible tells us how to interact with one another. And when we actually do it we’re forming community and not only a safe place to be but a desirable place to be. It doesn’t mean it will be a perfect place by any means. But when we’re living in harmony and comforting one another and more of the “one anothering” we are forming a community where Christ dwells. And people want some more of that. And I think it’s because we’re designed to crave relationship with God and with his people. So consider these areas of One Anothering and ask yourself how you’re doing. What areas do you need to work on because there will be some this side of heaven. What areas do see God working through you? I really would love to hear. So consider leaving a comment.
- Welcome one another (Rom. 15:7)
- Show hospitality to one another (I Pet. 4:9)
- Do good to one another (I Thess. 5:15)
- Confess our sins to one another (James 5:16)
- Pray for one another (James 5:16)
- Are servants of one another (Gal. 5:13)
- Live in harmony with one another (Rom. 12:16)
- Comfort one another (1 Thess. 5:11)
- Are subject to one another (Eph. 5:21)
- Have fellowship with one another (I John 1:7)
*To answer my own questions I’d have to say the areas I need work in would be confessing my sins one to another. Yep, that’s a hard one. I was humbled by someone who did that to me this week. Confessed and asked for forgiveness. I need to do more of that kind of one anothering. There are more but I’ll stop there. I’d rather ask the questions than answer them. Ha! Okay and so I guess I’d say that I see God helping me in the area of praying for others. He has really helped me become a more passionate woman of prayer and I do pray for our church members and other people that God puts on my heart. Not saying I’ve arrived in that one another department but it’s an area I see growth in.
Okay, seriously, your turn.
listening. and then continuing on in prayer instead of leaving it in the parking lot or hall or car or restaurant.
i need to pray more, period.