I love Margaret Feinberg because she always challenges me and stretches me in great ways through her articles, books and bible studies. A question she challenged people to ask in their personal time of Bible study back in February has been transforming my own personal study. It’s pretty simple but extremely probing and revealing. So here’s the question:
What do you most need to read that you least want to hear?
Pretty simple sounding. But when you get in there and read scripture and then ask yourself this question it’s really amazing at what the Holy Spirit reveals. I’ve never thought to ask myself this question in relation to scripture.
Today I read Psalm 13 because I’m working through the Psalms while I’m down with my leg. Verse 2 says, “How long will I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?” David asks God to give light to his eyes. Later on David says, and I can’t help but note his situation has not changed, “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me.”
In my journal I have the question “What do I most need to read that I least want to hear?” based on these verses and my heart this is my answer:
God allows sorrow to remain in our lives sometimes.
I also noted that David’s response was that he still asked God to take the sorrow away and then he ended his plea with a contented trust in the goodness of God – even when God didn’t take the sorrow away immediately.
I want to be like David and ask God to take away my sorrows and I want to be like David and trust God even when He doesn’t take them away knowing that His salvation and goodness is all I need.
So maybe you want to try asking yourself this same question as you read the Bible. I am finding it extremely practical. Of course there is no right or wrong answer. God’s word stands true and our response to it with the Holy Spirit’s leading is what brings growth and maturity. What you want to “hear least” might be very different than what I want to hear least right now.
**P. S. A quick leg update and anxiety update: God has blessed us with four great nights of sleep. We are praising Him for it! The anxiety seems to be gone. My pain is under control so my pain meds are further apart. Every single day is better with more strength and energy although it’s still hard to walk across the room without being exhausted. I know that will change with each day and week and month. I will say that my heart is more empathetic to people who have anxiety attacks than ever before. I’ve never understood this before. Never experienced it before coming home from the hospital. It is so real and it’s a horrible feeling. I cannot help but think God will use this experience for me to be able to intercede on behalf of others during their times of anxiety. I pray he spares me from ever having to deal with it again but should it come my way again I praise God that I have an army of godly men and women who are willing to stand in the gap for me and pray over me.
Linking with Holley and Kristin today.
Thank you for sharing what God has been teaching you recently. I hope that God continues to give you comfort, strength, and peace as your leg heals. Thank you for sharing your important question that you have been asking as you read scripture. I hope you have a lovely day!
I want to read “Fight Back with Joy” – it’s been on my list for awhile and you’re the second blog I’ve read today that brought it to mind. Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday. And I’m so glad to hear you’ve gotten some relief.
Kristin, I have the Bible Study at home and plan to start it with my Mom while she’s here helping me. I’m so excited about it. I love MF homework the best of all the Bible Studies I do. Scouting the Divine Study was a great study of hers as well.
I love Margaret Feinberg!
I need to hear that I usually need to work hard and then let God work. Things aren’t instant!
Good lesson – I admit I like instant things and have to remember to let God work in his time.