Call me biased but I’m really not. I’ve just totally bought into the idea that God designed his people to be an active part of the church – both locally and globally on some level.
global church: includes followers of Jesus in all locations (we tend to think of this in terms of missions)
local church: includes particular followers of Jesus in a particular location (and this would be local churches of various denominations)
Francis Chan states in the book “Multiply”, “If you are not connected with other Christians, serving and being served, challenging and being challenged, then you are not living as He desires, and the church is not functioning as He intended.”
I know that’s a strong statement and some would disagree especially if they are a follower of Christ “doing church at home” consistently for whatever reason. I’ve talked with people who have pulled out of the church for various reasons and it breaks my heart because the Bible says the local church is important.
God has entrusted local churches with godly leaders who teach us His Word and care for our souls. (Heb. 13:17, I Pet. 5:1-8, I Tim. 3:1-13, 5:17; Titus 1:5-9)
God has united us together in local churches to keep one another from sinning and straying from Christ (Gal. 6:1-5; Matt. 18:15-20)
God has commanded us to gather together in local assemblies where we preach God’s Word, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, baptize new believers, and pray for and encourage one another (Act.s 2:42; Heb. 10:24-25)
Then we scatter to care for believers and share the gospel with unbelievers (Acts. 2:43-47)
If we approach our faith with a “just me and God” mentality then our faith will never thrive in the way God intended.
I read a statement recently of a Christian woman who talked about leaving the church and how leaving the church meant following God. From what I could tell that didn’t mean leaving one church for another church. And that happens. God at times leads us from one church to another. But he would never lead us away from his church in exchange for a lone ranger Christian lifestyle with no local church. He never contradicts himself. What concerned me is the amount of comments and support that followed in this article from other Christians. They seemed to feel justified and validated in saying their good byes to the church as well. Each had a story of their church experience gone wrong and why they left and have been happier ever since – even found God in a way they never had before at church.
We are living in a world that is changing rapidly. And even some of our mainstream Christian leaders are changing in their view and acceptance of our culture. It is critical to our faith walk that we find a local church that teaches the truth of God’s word while being committed to sharing this truth with our community.
If you’ve been hurt by the church, I’m so sorry. But give it another try. If you’re in between finding churches I pray God will lead you to a Bible teaching church that is aware of our culture and it’s needs but will not sway in the interpretation and declaration of the scriptures.
In looking for a church remember there are no perfect people or perfect churches. You can’t always get a feel for a church in one or two services. Be fair and at least give it a month or longer of attending all services unless you find something right off the bat that you know you can’t tolerate. Ask about a new members or church informational class and attend without feeling one ounce of pressure to join the church afterwards. If you are married, pray with your spouse about the decision and ask God to make it very clear to you as a couple where he wants you to serve and grow. And if you’re attending church without your better half no worries there. I know it can feel awkward at times for you but truly you are welcomed and wanted in the church family. And who knows maybe your spouse will come eventually. Don’t let coming alone keep you from coming.
There is too much at stake to just quit church no matter how bad your experience was or how busy you are or…………
I promise you God will bless you as you move back into the church he designed you to be a part of. You will find your place there as you seek him through the process.
Are you in the middle of a church transfer? I’d love to pray for you. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. Even if you don’t agree with what’s being said.
Hi, Melody! I came after your link-up at the “Sharing His Beauty” Linky party. I have found being a part of a local church to be vital in my own faith walk. Like you said, we all go through different stages of attendance and involvement in a church body, but without that fellowship with and support of other committed followers, it’s difficult to stay strong in our walk with the Lord.
Thanks for stopping by Ann! Yes, you put that in a good way: different stages of attendance for various reasons. I just want everyone to experience the awesome benefits of being connected in a church family.