I shared last week how God answered a prayer four years later. His provision was in the form of a check. And it came at the time we were asking Him to provide for us so we could give to our church for a special offering for an immediate need we had. Randy and I discussed what we felt was the right amount considering many unexpected expenses that had come up at the same time.
We basked in the fact that we would have plenty to share for our church offering and then a nice chunk to pay for our car expenses. We were reservedly happy. Reserved because inside we both knew God was calling us to give more than we were agreeing to. Randy and I talked it over together. We were both feeling the same way. And so we gave in to the Spirit’s leading and we gave what we wanted to hold on to originally. As we explained to our kids what we felt God was calling us to give as a family the response was interesting. Our seven year old started tearing up. Her response was, “If we give that then we won’t have enough to buy a car.” Little does she know it would take ten times as much to buy a car. And then there’s the teenager saying, “That’s crazy because God gave us that money and why would he turn around and say, ‘Oh I want it back’.”
Those were some great thoughts and I wanted to scream, “I know, right!” But I tried to explain as best I could in my own heart that was also still slightly clingy, to the gift God had given, that it will cost us to give back to God. It belongs to him, he provided it and sometimes he wants to know if we’ll hold on loosely to what he entrusts to us to reveal what we love most.
And so I write this post out of a heart that admits my tight grip and a desire to be more quick to be open handed. God got a hold of our hearts and we’re learning it costs to give. But it’s worth every penny……even the ones you don’t have to give.
Hello, I think learning to give from a meager resource will one day give us larger dividends than we can imagine. Blessings to you and may God give you the best with an increase!
Miss Roxy
Oh, Melody, ours is a mighty God! I went back and read your story from last week and couldn’t help but praise Him with you. I love the prayer you prayed all those years ago… If you’ve never read The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn, I recommend you and your husband do that – sooner rather than later. Even as a then 40-something lifelong tither, it totally transformed my understanding of giving.
Susan…..yes, I have read the Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn but it’s been a long time. I totally need to read again. 🙂 Thanks for swinging by and praising God with us.
Well, of course I love this, and why do kids always illustrate what I feel?
Actually, the money part of giving I feel good about. You know where it is? Where I am the most selfish? Time. I can’t explain it. I’m a hoarder of time. There is just never enough, and I don’t want to share it.
ps Can you and Randy be our neighbors?
pss (because I forgot to write it on the last post) YOU DON’T TENT CAMP?
No, I don’t tent camp anymore. It had everything to do with the last tent camping experience I had. I’m standing my ground on this one so don’t even try to convince me even saying spiritual things about nature and creation. Not gonna work.
Wow. This was the post I needed to read. Thank you for sharing your story.