This was just a simple summer Science experiment.
1) Freeze a balloon filled with water
2) Take off the rubber balloon leaving solid ice
3) Pour salt on ice and watch it crackle
4) Pour food coloring on the ice to make a beautiful creation
*That’s all it was supposed to be. But it was so much more fun with Dad there. This is what it looks like when Dad gets involved with the Science experiment. Of course it had to involve power tools, right? Exactly.
Clearly this experiment didn’t exactly work out so well. When we took the first frozen balloon out of the freezer we thought it was totally frozen but it wasn’t. So there at the dinner table it busted and gushed out water all over everyone. We laughed so hard! We cleaned it up and took the other half frozen balloon outside to play around with. Then we decided to try again with two more balloons freezing overnight this time. Yeah, you gotta keep it in there overnight to freeze all the way through. Duh!
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