Sophie and I had a girls day and went shopping on Friday. New shoes and a dress. Some play clothes. She was giddy with excitement. Our favorite moment was when we were in a dressing room and she was trying on a long maxi dress and got tangled up in it. It had criss cross straps and a low scooped back. Adorable but we could.not figure out how to get it on. I am not exaggerating when I say we spent 10 excrutiating minutes trying to muster up engineering skills just to figure out how to get it on correctly. We had it wrapped around her neck and almost cut the circulation off her arm one time. One variation made her look like a cave girl. We were both laughing so hard that the lady came to check on us. Embarrassing. How does one adult say to another, “We can’t figure out how to put a dress on.” I mean let’s really sound Beverly Hillbillies why don’t we. When we finally got it on right I looked at Sophie and said, “Honey, is it worth buying a dress that will take 10 minutes and four hot flashes to put on?”
Our next moment of almost pee in your pants laughter was when we decided to get all frugal and save money by purchasing nail polish instead of getting our nails done at a salon. Sophie has been wanting press-on fake nails for a long time so she picked out a set she liked.
What I didn’t know is that we had to create the nails by painting and decorating – a 3 step process. Still we were having fun. An hour later I’m applying her electric blue nails (not my choice at all!) and she comments on how they look like witch nails. I whole heartedly agreed and was secretly hoping they’d all fall off in the night. On the last nail I applied Sophie says, “Mom, this doesn’t look right.” And sure enough I had accidentally put them all on backwards. Rounded side goes next to cuticle. Not what I had done. We took them ALL off and started over.
Ahhhhh!! $%#@!!@#
Second set goes on and she sports these long witchy nails until the boys came in from a soccer game. She showed off her nails and pulled out every stitch of clothing we just bought. Dad oohhs and awwwws over everything and comments on how his girl is growing up. Then he tells her he’s glad she didn’t get the low back dress we tried on earlier. The one that had us in stitches while busting a few trying to get it on. I had sent a picture to him to get a second opinion. He agreed it didn’t seem like a good fit for a seven year old. He affirmed her modest but growing up little girl choice in clothes. Such a good Dad he is.
And then she decides she can’t sleep in her hyper-extended plastic claws. So we take them off.
But secretly I was glad. They were the perfect collision of tacky with a capital T and a 7 year old wanting to be 13. We talked about that throughout our shopping day. Gentle reminders that God has been in charge of her days from the beginning – she was born a one day old not a 7 year old. And He has graciously given her 7 years of life so don’t rush them by wanting to wear and do things a 13 year old would wear and do. High heels & short-shorts. Bra’s & Make Up……..she wants it all right now. I feel out of my league many days with my independent, fast forwarding fashionista seven year old. But she listens with a sweet spirit not always understanding or liking it all. But I know God will keep working a beautiful plan inside his girl – the one He knows and loves even more than her Mamma does. Until then I keep acknowledging Motherhood is a beautiful blessing of God. One that requires much prayer, humility and trust in the One who knows so much more and loves deeper than we ever can.
Happy Mother’s Day my friends!
I’m getting ready to meet up with some friends for dinner and a movie. Yep, Mom’s Night Out! Actually going to see Mom’s Night Out. Whoop Whoop!
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