I had “the talk” with our six year old this week. This is shocking because our 12 year old just a few years ago learned that boobs are called boobs and not aguas. We’ve been ringing our hands on when to have “the talk” with him and are still prolonging it.
So imagine the shock as I was putting six year old Sophie to bed this week and out of the blue she says to me, “Mom, it just seems like every time a man and woman get married a baby comes afterwards.” I said, “Well, yes, that happens many times.” She said, “It’s almost like he puts it there or something.”
I about rolled off her bed and broke my hip bone. I mean we were just reading a good old fashioned Bible story book. Really? Did this have to come up with no warning at all? And these conversations always, I mean always, happen when Dad is not around. I had no backup plan whatsoever.
But God is good and He gave me words I didn’t know I had.
I downplayed it and casually said, “Yeah, that’s pretty much it, Soph.”
Whew! I said it. Now she knew. And we were done with that talk for the next 15 years.
She wasn’t settling for it though. She just had to come back with an intensely inquisitive, “But how?”
As I pulled myself up off the floor all I could say was this:
“Sophie, we’ll talk more about this when you’re older but for now you need to know that God made a girls body in a very special way and a boys body in a very special way. And when a man marries a woman, which is the only way God designed marriage to be, they can make a baby together because of the way God designed their bodies. He designed this to happen only in marriage. It’s a very special gift you and your husband give each other on your wedding day and thereafter. Some boys and girls give it away before their wedding day but that’s not the way God intends for it to be. It’s a very beautiful gift from God and you want to save it for marriage.”
She was satisfied with this and then buried her head in her pillow and laughed hysterically like she had just had part of “the talk” with her mother and it was slightly awkward.
Later that night Randy came in from a meeting and we were outside in the driveway unloading some stuff out of the trunk and I said ,”Oh, by the way, I had the talk with Sophie tonight.” He about dropped his stuff and said, “SOPHIE?!” Then I explained. And he died with me all over again right there in the driveway.
And that’s Part I of “the talk” with our six year old. I seriously doubt I’ll be posting part II whenever that happens. Oh please let it not be tomorrow.
Sarah is 11 now and “awkward” is pretty much the word of the day. I may have tried to explain her body to her by talking about chicken eggs and she may be scarred for life. My goal is to drive her to secretly read books under her covers like I used to and her pass along the real knowledge to Kate. Just kidding. Kind of. 🙂
so you just like have facts of life books laying around the house as casual coffee table books? Love it. That is a riot. I know you’re half kidding but really I think it’s a fabulous idea.