We’re those parents who like a parasite, suck the the two hours dry that Vacation Bible School offers a drop & run parent. VBS = free date nights! Whoo-hoo! Randy and I are guilty of the drop and run deal. Maybe you do it too……pull into the parking lot of the big church and while wheels are still turning you give the kids a push and wish them a wonderful time learning about Jesus. And off you screech out of the parking lot and into the world of dating with no kids. Ha! Okay, it’s not quite that dramatic or desperate but it comes pretty close. Our church doesn’t do VBS because of religious beliefs. No, I’m kidding. We just don’t do it because we do a few hundred other things and there’s plenty of churches who do VBS incredibly well so we take our kids there.
Just like last year, the kids are having a blast at the church they are attending this week and Randy and I are having a total blast going out on dinner dates. The first night we ran into another pastor and his wife doing the exact same thing. So yeah, there’s a tinge of guilt for leaving instead of staying and helping out but not enough to keep our saintly butts at VBS! And I’m convinced there are more of us in hiding. They just drop and run to the next town so nobody will see them enjoying a night out instead of running the snack table at VBS.
So consider embracing your inner drop & run VBS parenting approach. But not all of you do it at once because someone has to run VBS or else we wouldn’t be getting all romantical this week.
Thinking of you…
hey girl…thanks so much! I’m just waiting to get my new look going on my blog before launching. I’m sort of hiding under a rock until then. Ha!